Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Hot Standby

This is generally a solution used with older technology. It works very well and comprises of one UPS (standby unit) connected in the static bypass of another unit (main unit). This means that the main unit carries the entire critical load continuously and only if something is wrong will it switch to bypass. At that instant, the standby unit experiences its first taste of load at a 100% load step. This is not ideal although if the unit is suitably rated in the first place it should handle the situation.

Also, the hot standby configuration means that the main unit is doing all the work all the time and as a consequence its MTBF factors will be higher than the standby unit that is doing nothing for 99% of its life.

Disadvantages of the Hot Standby configuration

·         It is an old technology solution.
·         Load is completely dependant on the reliability of the Primary units static bypass (this is effectively the single point of failure)
·         Secondary unit is idle for 99% of its life so MTBF on primary unit is much lower than that of the secondary unit
·         If secondary unit is called on, it experiences a 100% load step as it takes over from the primary unit, which can severely stress components.
·         Battery 1 does all the “backing up” and consequently lasts for less time whilst battery 2 does not get “cycled” which also has a detrimental affect on its eventual performance

True Parallel Redundant configuration.

Here, two units, each rated at the actual maximum load rating are connected so that they share the output load all the time. Their actual running load is therefore less than 50 % at all times which means that the units are running well within their design parameters and their combined MTBF will be exponentially lower !!! If one unit does go faulty or requires attention the other unit only experiences about a 30 to 50 % load step (Not an 80 - 100% load step) and the transfer is absolutely seamless.

Downside here is that the technology is understandably slightly more costly but the protection capability is twice as good.

Hope this info is of some assistance.

Advantages of a true parallel system

·         There is no single point of failure.
·         The system is ten times more reliable than hot standby
·         The two UPS’s share the load equally (within 5% for dynamic loads) at all times.
·         Both batteries support the critical load at all times, and the back-up time is effectively doubled.
·         If either UPS fails or does need attention, then the other immediately assumes the full load with no frequency or amplitude complications that would otherwise negatively affect the load.
The MTBF (mean time between failure) of both units is substantially increased as the units are effectively operating at half load or less.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Harmonics - What’s that ????

•Harmonics are waveform distortions ( current and voltage ) caused by the irregular switching action of non linear loads
•Current waveforms from non-linear loads appear distorted because the non-linear waveform is the result of adding harmonic components to the fundamental current.
•Non-linear loads generate high levels of harmonic currents and when supplying power to these loads, a special transformer design is necessary.
•Of these non-linear loads, the major source of harmonic currents is the switch mode power supply found in most desktop computers, terminals, data processors and other office equipment.

•Harmonics are produced by the diode-capacitor input section of power supplies.  The diode-capacitor section rectifies the AC input power into the DC voltage used by the internal circuits.   The personal computer uses DC voltage internally to power the various circuits and boards that make up the computer.   The circuit of the power supply only draws current from the AC line during the peaks of the voltage waveform, thereby charging a capacitor to the Peak of the line voltage.  The DC equipment requirements are fed from this capacitor and, as a result, the current waveform becomes distorted.
•The harmonics in the electric power distribution system combine with the fundamental (50 Hz) to create distortion.   The level of distortion is directly related to the frequencies and amplitudes of the harmonic current.   All of the harmonic frequency currents combine with the fundamental current to form the total harmonic distortion. (THD)   The THD value is expressed as a percentage of the fundamental current and any THD values over 10% are significant enough for concern.

•Wherever there are large numbers of non-linear loads, there are harmonics in the distribution system.   It is not uncommon for THD levels in industrial plants to reach 25%-30%.   Normally, THD levels in office settings will be lower than in industrial plants, but office equipment is much more susceptible to variations in power quality.

•IEEE standard 519-1992 is a guidance document for utilities and electric power users which specifies both the maximum distortion levels and recommends correction levels.   The harmonic distortion limit of 5%-7% is proven to be the point where harmonics begin to have a detrimental effect on the electrical distribution system.

Hazards of harmonics !!!

Typical Hazards are :

•Overheating of supply cables and conductors.
•Overheating of electrical motors and alternators, shortening life expectancy and increasing  maintenance costs.
•“SKIN EFFECT” resulting in higher costs for thicker supply cables to prevent losses and cable insulation breakdown.
•Zero crossover dependant equipment such as clock-timers or watt-hour meters are negatively affected by harmonics causing crossover offset.
•False MCCB tripping can be a result of harmonic disturbance and causes catastrophic failure of mission critical equipment.
•Interference on computer networks, telecommunications, broadcasting equipment and television or video display are often the result of harmonics at audio or radio frequencies

Harmonic remedies

•Most Transformerless UPS’s have low THD characteristics whilst transformer based UPS’s can have THD values of up to 32%.
•A well designed UPS with tuned LC filtration will reduce, and in most cases, eliminate harmonic threats.
•12 Pulse UPS’s or UPS’s with power factor correction/THD filtration will reduce harmonics to acceptable levels.
•Specify and/or check your UPS suppliers specifications to ensure that THD is limited to between 5 and 10 percent maximum for critical applications.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Selecting a UPS.

Classifications help in UPS selection

When choosing UPS equipment how can you ensure that it will perform as expected and the information provided by different vendors is comparable? 

The classification categorises the different UPS topologies:

1.      Stand-by
Stand-by UPS supplies power to the load directly from utility until a utility power failure occurs. The UPS then turns on the inverter and supplies load from the battery. These UPSs are also called Off-line.

2.      Line-Interactive
Line interactive UPS compensates for deficiencies in utility voltage by running the UPS inverter parallel to utility voltage when needed. The UPS output is therefore partly dependent of the quality of the utility power. Several marketing names are used for these UPSs, Single Conversion, Parallel On-line and Delta Conversion to name a few.

3.      Double Conversion
Double conversion UPS regenerates the electricity constantly. The output power is completely independent of the input power.  These units are most often called On-Line UPS’s. These UPS’s are able to correct all 9-power problems (Power failure, Sag, Surge, Under voltage, Line noise, Over voltage, Frequency variation, Switching transient and Harmonic distortion). These UPS’s are used with all mission critical electrical equipment, which cannot afford to go down (servers, communication equipment etc.). Critical equipment both inside and outside the office environment should always be protected by Series-9 UPS. These UPS’s also feature possibility for extending the battery back up time up to several hours.

Saturday, September 11, 2010



Total power loss can be one of the most devastating events for any business. Critical systems can no longer function, manufacturing ceases and, perhaps worst of all, crucial data is at risk. The solution is at hand however, by specifying a suitable uninterruptible power system (UPS). But, with so many different alternatives to choose from, which is most appropriate for your circumstances?
Nowadays, the traditional transformer-based on-line UPS is being usurped by the latest transformerless design, at power ratings below 4OkVA. The advent of sophisticated microprocessor controlled electronics and advancements in power electronics have allowed UPS manufacturers to produce ever more capable devices at lower costs. And, because the latest breed of transformerless on-line UPSs dispense with conventional bulky and heavy transformers, they offer a highly compact and cost-effective solution for many modern power protection environments.

Make no mistake, in most circumstances these smaller, lighter and lower cost UPSs offer an ideal solution for any organisation looking to provide back up power for their computer and telecoms equipment. As with most things, however, there is a trade off between certain characteristics, some of which are an essential consideration for particular applications, while others assume a lesser importance.

An average transformerless on-line UPS with a reasonable specification can provide adequate power protection for a wide range of critical devices. Because of the recent proliferation of transformerless UPSs, most customers will be able to find a suitable device within their budget, boasting a specification that appears to meet their needs. However, comparative specifications can be misleading and users that operate in high risk mission critical sectors such as telecoms and military environments, or those operating highly sensitive equipment such as mobile communications base stations and file servers, should examine exactly what they require from their UPS, before committing to a particular technology

Briefly, a transformer-based on-line UPS boasts several intrinsic advantages compared to the more recent transformerless technology For many years, experienced electrical engineers have been aware of the fact that transformerless UPS devices are susceptible to interference from spikes and transients caused by a variety of devices such as photocopiers, laser printers and motors. The ‘dirty’ mains that this produces can be transferred through a UPS, and feeds the connected load.

This means that, in practice, a transformerless UPS has to incorporate some sort of electronic mains filter. Otherwise, it can do nothing to improve the quality of raw mains that can be variable to say the least.

In contrast, because the transformer itself constitutes a physical barrier, a transformer-based on¬line UPS completely isolates the load from the worst vagaries of the mains supply Therefore, in circumstances where the load is likely to be affected by a very large variation in its power supply, a transformer-based UPS provides a safer and more robust solution than transformerless technology —simply because its size and construction affords some inertia between the input and output waveforms, with no additional electronic filtering required.

The above has nothing to do with transformerless, would make sense when comparing double conversion with standby/line interactive topology (3 and 5 series)

Also, because transformer-based UPSs inherently contain Galvanic Isolation, the power supply fed to the load is invariably superior to the mains supply itself. This attribute alone can be a major consideration for a number of crucial applications and installations. In fact, the latest electrical standards for medical installations (BS-EN 60601 and 61558.2) require that critical devices be connected through a Galvanic Isolation transformer, rather than directly to the raw mains.

A transformer based UPS rarely provides galvanic isolation, with the exception of a few Powerware 9315 models and some older topologies (magnetically stabilized) like the Ferrups. The reason for this is, that when a static bypass switch is incorporated, the neutral of the bypass is connected to the UPS output, thus bypassing the galvanic isolation. When galvanic isolation is desired, a isolation transformer is equally needed for a transformerless and a transformer based UPS.
Throughout this paper, transformer-based is incorrectly confused with galvanically isolated and/or magnetically stabilized (ferroresonant) operation.
Any electrical installation that requires the utmost reliability needs to deploy proven solutions to minimise the likelihood of potential equipment failure. One of the major advantages of transformer-based UPS devices is their higher mean time before failure (MTBF). Because these devices use traditional electrical engineering principles instead of a high concentration of electronic components, they are inherently more reliable than a corresponding electronic circuit board assembly

The above applies mainly to magnetically stabilized technology
By contrast, transformerless UPSs employ sophisticated electronic circuitry to mimic the on-line characteristics of a transformer-based device, as well as providing suitable standards of mains filtering. As such, they can be more prone to failure on sites where there is a high degree of mains borne pollution such as transients, spikes and electrical noise.

That’s why most experts will only recommend a transformer-based design within industrial and/or critical environments such as medical and transportation infrastructure.

A design can be more or less robust independently of a single component like a transformer.

However, it should still be noted that, because transformerless designs use plug-in circuit boards, they are actually quicker to repair than transformer-based units. In contrast, faults with transformer-based designs can be more difficult to diagnose on-site.

The above cannot be applied generally, this has to be referring to some particular design.
Of course there are some very compelling reasons to specify a transformerless UPS. Among these is the fact that conventional transformer-based uninterruptible power systems are significantly larger than their transformerless brethren. The main reason for this is that the transformer itself takes up a large amount of space within the cabinet, which results in the transformer-based UPS being significantly heavier, and therefore not as convenient or portable as the transformerless variant.

Moreover, transformer-based uninterruptible power systems operate typically 10% less efficiently than their transformerless stable mates, as the transformer itself causes heat to build up within the vicinity of the device, leading to greater care in terms of airflow and air conditioning. Some transformerless on-line UPSs also incorporate an extra economy mode to further boost efficiency up to 99%.

The potential anti-social characteristics of the transformer-based UPSs are heightened by the noise they can make—frequently a loud and intrusive hum— which can often be compounded by their cooling fan noise. In practice this means that this type of UPS is often unsuitable for siting in an office or small computer and telecoms rooms, particularly where the levels of noise and heat emitted might cause a problem for staff.

Transformerless UPSs are quieter in operation, and run considerably cooler. Conversely the heat and noise generated by transformer-based UPSs makes them significantly less efficient in operation than transformerless devices. This makes them more costly to run, with a higher current drain than the electronic switching circuitry in a transformerless UPS.

Although transformerless UPSs are more complex in design, because the majority of components are electronic, they are cheaper to manufacture than the transformer-based variety Rather like mass-produced electronics, many transformerless UPS manufacturers can take advantage of significant economies of scale in their manufacturing processes, further reducing the costs of designing, developing and producing this type of uninterruptible power supply Transformer-based UPS devices differ significantly in that they are more specialist electrical items, and therefore cannot benefit to the same degree from mass produced off the shelf electronic components. This makes them typically up to 30% more expensive to purchase than transformerless devices.

What this suggests therefore is that, while the transformer-based UPS might be the ideal choice in certain circumstances, economic considerations, together with issues of space and environmental impact, may sway the decision towards a transformerless model. There is no doubt that transformer-based devices are ideal for sites that experience heavily polluted mains supplies —particularly industrial, rural and complex infrastructure locations, such as hospitals. In these circumstances, any UPS would be expected to offer dependable long-term protection from repetitive transients and electrical noise.

Despite containing sophisticated electronic circuits that smooth out such anomalies, transformerless UPSs cannot fully isolate the load from the mains, unlike a transformer-based device. This is why several transformerless on-line UPS manufacturers offer additional cabinets to house filters and isolation transformers so that their systems can approach the benefits required for industrial and heavily polluted environments.

To achive a separately derived source with independent grounding, an isolation transformer is needed whether the UPS employs a transformer based design or not.
In addition, a traditional transformer-based UPS will prove more reliable over an extended period than sophisticated but sensitive electronic component based filters. This makes the transformerless UPS more suitable for circumstances where the incoming mains supply is less polluted. Equally they are more suited to modern office-based environments where cost and footprint are more significant considerations, and where the UPS may be likely to be sited in full view of employees and visitors alike.

Again, the above is not relevat to most designs.
Of course, there are certain situations where a transformerless UPS will have an advantage. For example, where there are sudden step load changes on the UPS, a transformerless device can react immediately while a transformer-based unit will take a little time to respond. Whether this dynamic weakness affects the load depends very much on its individual characteristics.

Applies to ferroresonant technology. Normal transformer based inverters designed since the mid 1980’s have the same superiour voltage control as the transformerless ones.

In addition, a transformerless unit can provide input power factor correction capabilities as an integral part of its electronic circuitry This is a major advantage for certain types of load. In this case, power factor leading or lagging can be caused by the connected load, which a transformer-based UPS tends to delay As such, this type of UPS requires a separate filter or power factor correction device.

The corollary of this is that — because of the principle of Galvanic Isolation — a transformer-based unit is incapable of generating DC current that might be passed to the connected load. In contrast, a transformerless UPS will pass on the DC current. Because DC current causes up to a lOx heating effect compared to an alternating current, this inevitably stresses the unit. Additionally a transformer-based UPS will allow a load that has a high neutral current requirement to take such a current, by simply passing this through from its input.

That statement is confusing. One of the major benefits of the standard three phase transformer based UPS design is, that the transformer will take care of all triplen harmonics of the load, and not passing it through to the input or to the inverter IGBTs.

This gives a higher capability of supplying non linear load conpared to a transformerless design with the same inverter sizing.

Additionally a transformer based three phase phase inverter provides 1.7 times the short circuit current into a short circuit. This will help when planning a selective downstream fusing scheme.

In summary therefore, choosing the most suitable UPS for your needs is rather like deciding between a diesel and petrol car. When selecting the right technology to employ the user has to balance short and long term benefits against budget and overall life cycle costs. Consultation from a supplier that can offer an impartial recommendation from both technologies should lead to the adoption of a secure and robust power solution.